Koppeling Kassa en WooCommerce

Current Situation

De Nimes is a shop brick and stone shop located in Hillegersberg Rotterdam. Their focus up until now has been for their customers who walk into the shop. They have decided to extend the physical shop to the web and have chosen WooCommerce as the solution for the online sales.

Currently there is no integration between the cash register and WooCommerce.  My solution is to integrate a POS (point of sale = cash register) with WooCommerce. This is something that I have used happily for a number of years in my own shop. If this accepted then the physical cash register will become redundant.

However Erik en Miranda are extremely happy with the way that the cash register works and the information/data that they can extract from it. It is for them a big step, also time and energy to move to a new technical environment.

We have therefore asked a number of solution providers to meet our requirements.


The requirement is to keep it simple.

  1. As of now allow the products and the stock registration to entered via the cash register.
  2. After registration there is a push (or automatic synch) possibility from the cash register to WooCommerce translating items, sizes and stock count to WooCommerce. The result in WooCommerce is a new product with attributes and variations.
  3. With a sale in the cash register, product/variation is immediately reduced in the web store.
  4. With a sale in the web store, product/variation is immediately reduced in the cash register.


  1. Backups: I am assuming that your company provides backups of the cash register. How will that work with webshop?
  2. What is the price of the integration?
  3. How will the integration work with the now integrated systems such as financial reporting and accountancy?
  4. Can we expect regular updates to keep in line from the latest version of WooCommerce?

And the big request:

Please let us see an example of how your solution is working in current environments.