Customer Service Customer service is extremely important and can be offered in many ways: Shipping and Packaging. Customers who buy luxury expect: Luxury delivery. Think luxury tissue paper/ribbons/hand written note. A gift: Add something – candle/book? Next day...
Mijn voorstel August – 4 dagen per week 1. Website Styling: Jo/Miranda/Erik Products: Jo Configuration (shipping/tax etc): Jo Blog: Jo Brand Information; Jo 2. Social Media Plan (Jo/Miranda/Erik) Decide on which tools and how often to post etc September onwards...
Social Media Plan Social media in retail is essential. Without this there is basically a webshop without potential of selling. Getting it right is crucial. In order to do so we need consistency in what we present. We need to agree to a dedicated plan. We need...
To Sell A good website will deliver the basics but In order to sell (a lot, with profit) then we need the following. Each of these are explained below with the exception of social media which you can find here: Social Media Blog Lookbook Newsletter Google...
The Basics The following points are the basics that are required for the sales via the web. Each of these points is explained further below. New website All products in webshop Integration with physical shop stock (kassa) New website It goes, without saying, that...